A close association between Cav3 and SWELL1 was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation analysis. Cav3/SWELL1 membrane Förster resonance energy transfer efficiency was halved in mild (220 milliosmole) hypotonic solution as well as after disruption of caveola structures via cholesterol depletion by 1-h treatment with 10 mM methyl-β-cyclodextrin. A higher resistance to hypotonic swelling in Cav3-positive HEK293 cells was accompanied by a significant twofold increase of I Cl,swell current density and SWELL1 protein expression, whereas ClC-2/3 protein levels remained unchanged. Förster resonance energy transfer analysis showed a less than 10-nm membrane and intracellular association between Cav3 and SWELL1. These results were recapitulated in isolated mouse ventricular myocytes, where the percentage of cardiomyocytes with membrane damage increased from 47% in control cells to 78% in 4-butanoic acid-treated cells (p < 0.05). This mechanoprotection was significantly reduced (p < 0.05) when cells were exposed to the I Cl,swell-selective inhibitor 4-butanoic acid (10 μM). Here we showed that Cav3-transfected (Cav3-positive) HEK293 cells were significantly resistant to extreme (<20 milliosmole) hypotonic swelling compared with native (Cav3-negative) HEK293 cells the percentage of cells with membrane damage decreased from 45% in Cav3-negative cells to 17% in Cav3-positive cells (p < 0.05). However, the role of the muscle-specific caveolar scaffolding protein caveolin-3 (Cav3) in regulation of MCC expression, activity, and contribution to membrane integrity in response to mechanical stress remains unclear. overlay : Enable Overlay rendering engine.Caveola membrane structures harbor mechanosensitive chloride channels (MCCs including chloride channel 2, chloride channel 3, and SWELL1, also known as LRRC8A) that form a swelling-activated chloride current ( I Cl,swell) and play an important role in cell volume regulation and mechanoelectrical signal transduction. opengl : Enable OpenGL rendering engine. nvidiahack : When you see a garbled display, use this hack. joystick : Enable the use of a joystick/gamepad. fullscreen : Enable rendering in fullscreen mode. overlaymethod 1 - 5 : Select the Overlay rendering method.

scale 1 - 4 : Allows you to resize the window/drawing. mode 0 - 19 : Make use of the 19 usuable filters. joyport 0 - 3 : Allows you to select an other gameport. gltexture 1 - 2 : Allows you to select Anti-Aliasing/Blur effect. glmethod 1 - 2 : Allows you to select a different rendering method.

frameskip 0 - 9 : Enable frameskip from 0 to 9. biosfile filename : Select an (alternate) GBA BIOS dump. throttle : Enable/Disable the throttle to a max of 60FPS. sound : Enable/Disable GBA sound emulation. reversesound : Enable/Disable reverse sound playing.

romwrites : Enable/Disable ROM writes for running older demo's. intro : Enable/Disable some GBA release intro's. fastboot : Enable/Disable the GBA BIOS fastboot sequence. bios : Enable/Disable use of the GBA BIOS. PARAMETRES (extrait du fichier READLE.TXT) : -autoskip : Enable/Disable the auto frameskip option.